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Italy and nutra, a thorough GEO review

Luxury boutiques, tasty pasta, gorgeous paintings, and a breathtaking sunset at the Pesan Tower all hint at the country we’re talking about today. Italy attracts tourists not only for its rich historical heritage and aesthetics. It is an excellent way for affiliate marketers to invest money, since the prospects here are huge. Let’s talk about it.

Here are some facts

–   The main language here is Italian. The main foreign language is English, with French and Spanish in second and third place.

–   Italy is a Tier-1 level county, and there are only 3 country tiers. Countries included in the first group are considered the most promising in affiliate marketing.

–   The grounds of Italy have 2 states – the Vatican and San Marino. The President of Italy is Sergio Mattarella. Form of government – parliamentary republic

–   Time zone in Italy: UTC+1, summer time: UTC+2. Exchange rate is euro.

–   The most popular mobile operators in the country: TIM, Vodafone, Wind, and 3 Italia.

Holidays and non-working days

January 1 – New Year;

January 6 – Epiphany or Befana;

April 25 – Day of liberation from fascism and German occupation;

May 1 – Labor Day;

June 2 – Proclamation Day of the Republic of Italy;

August 15 – Ferragosto – Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary or Ascension;

November 1 – All Saints’ Day;

December 8 – Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary;

December 25, 26 – Christmas, St. Stefano’s Day.

In addition, Saturday and Sunday are days off.


1. Population: More than 60 million people now live in the country. The share of men in the country is 49%, women – 51%. Italians retire at a relatively late age – 62 years old, given that life expectancy is more than 80 years. For reference, in Italy, you are still considered a child at 25, although in other countries at this age many already have a family, children and extensive professional experience. In this country, it’s normal to still live with your parents at 30 and get a higher education. Until the age of 40, you are still considered “young”. It is not for nothing that this country has secured its reputation as the most aging European nation. This is also thanks to the high level of development of medicine and care for older citizens.

2. Temperament: Italian fashion and style is famous all over the world. Italians always strive to stand out from the crowd and leave an impression with their unique image. Communication is as important to them as eating on a schedule. Italy is known for its many traditions and holidays. Local residents attach great importance to observing and respecting these traditions.

3. Gender roles: It’s a well-spread “rumor” that Italy is completely matriarchal and the reason for this is rooted in two things: the dominant percentage of Italian women and their explosive, demanding nature. Matriarchal elements may be present in some regions of Italy, especially in rural areas, where families rely heavily on women to make important decisions and wield economic and social power within the family. However, in general, Italy doesn’t have strong matriarchal traditions, and gender roles are traditionally male-oriented.

4. Lifestyle: Speaking of beauty and care, a healthy lifestyle and diet are widespread in Italy, with an emphasis on fresh produce, olive oil, fish, and vegetables. Beauty and spa services where women can receive professional skin care, massages and other treatments are also very popular. Local residents generally try to maintain an active lifestyle, including walking, playing sports or simply being physically active.


The Italian climate varies a lot depending on the region and plays an important role in the well-being of Italians. For example, in the Alpine valleys, you can experience a cold climate with long winters and short summers. At the same time, on the coast of the Ligurian Sea, the climate is more moderate and susceptible to sea breezes. High humidity and hot summer days can cause problems with the respiratory system, especially in people with asthma or allergies, and impair circulation. This especially applies to local residents living in large cities, because they have to absorb car exhaust fumes every day. In addition, extreme heat can lead to dehydration and an increased risk of heatstroke. Fatigue, weakness and dizziness are typical symptoms of overheating. High humidity in some regions can also promote the development of fungal infections.

Additionally, Italy is known for its diverse landscapes, which include mountains, coastlines, and islands. These different environmental conditions may pose specific public health challenges. For example, residents of mountainous areas are more susceptible to altitude sickness due to low pressure and lack of oxygen. Spring is allergy season for some people. Pollen from flowering plants can be special but irritating and cause runny nose, cough and itchy eyes.

With the right approach and taking appropriate measures, you can minimize the negative consequences and create conditions for a healthy life.


Italy ranks 4th among all economically developed EU countries, slightly falling short of the top three. Despite this, Italy’s macroeconomic indicator is quite high. According to data, each working resident in Italy spends about 30 thousand dollars a year on themselves. This indicates a relatively high standard of living in the country. However, the country still has problems that need attention and solutions, namely high unemployment rate and huge public debt. It is important to note that the economic structure of Southern and Northern Italy differs, and earnings may depend on the industries on which each region’s economy is based.

Well-developed and industrial, Northern Italy stands in contrast to poor and patriarchal Southern Italy. Tourism is one of the main economic sectors in regions such as Sicily, Apulia and Calabria. Local areas in Southern Italy are favorably characterized by fertile soils and favorable climatic conditions for the development of agriculture. The main source of income for many rural areas is the production of olive oil, wine, fruits, vegetables and seafood. The textile and footwear industries are concentrated in certain regions of Southern Italy, such as Campania and Apulia.

An important area of the economy is the production and export of stylish clothing, shoes and accessories. The industrial center of Northern Italy focuses on the production of machinery and equipment, electronics, textiles, fashion, food and furniture. Outstanding innovative and high-tech enterprises are located in cities such as Milan and Turin. Milan is considered the Italian financial and banking center, attracting a large number of large companies, banks, stock markets, and international financial institutions. Historic cities, natural landscapes and cultural attractions are all attractive to tourists in Northern Italy. Popular destinations include Venice, Florence, and the Ligurian coast.

There’s also a difference in salaries between Italian regions. Wages in the northern part of the country are higher than in the south due to the difference in the economic situation of the regions. In 2022, the average salary in the country was just over €21,000 per year, €1,700 per month. According to the ISTAT annual report (as of July), the average salary in Italy in 2023 is €27,000 gross for the period. The average salary in Italy in 2023, according to various sources, ranges from €2,500 to €3,650 per month before taxes. In Italy, taxes range from 22% to 44%.

Internet and online shopping

In Italy, online shopping is very popular among residents. They appreciate it for the opportunity to quickly and conveniently purchase the goods they need, choose from a wide range and compare prices. The 25 to 44 age group is especially interested in online shopping, and many of them prefer to shop using their mobile devices. In this regard, it is important to create landing pages and layouts that are optimized for mobile devices. However, the older generation in Italy may be more selective due to their distrust of online platforms or due to their inexperience in using computers and the internet, but thanks to the development of global trends and the media sphere, the situation is changing and the popularity of online shopping is growing even among older people

Popular online shopping platforms in Italy:

1. Esselunga

2. Zalando Italy

3. Amazon Italy

4. AliExpress Italiano

5. Unieuro

6. Mediaworld

7. eBay Italy

8. Etsy

9. ePrice

10. Decathlon

11. IBS.it

Electronics, clothing and footwear, household goods, and food are the most popular product categories. Thanks to the wide variety of choices and competition among online retailers, consumers can often find great deals and save money when shopping online. Almost always orders are delivered to your home or office; preferred payment is made via PayPal, cards, cash on delivery.

According to Statcounter, the vast majority of social networks users browse Facebook (72.04%), YouTube (14.78%), Pinterest (4.47%), Instagram (3.81%) Twitter (3.61%). Among the least popular networks are Tumblr (0.45%), LinkedIn (0.4%), and others (0.44%).

Advertising specifics in Italy

Expression, aesthetics, and transparency are the main criteria in creating the perfect advertisement for local residents. A bright palette, calls to action, and emotions are often found in advertising banners and billboards on the streets of the country. As mentioned above, Italians themselves cannot imagine life without emotions. Therefore, the specifics of advertising in the country fully reflect the character and mentality of citizens. There are restrictions on advertising of tobacco products and gambling. Also, the participation of media personalities can be very helpful in attracting attention to create a positive image of the product. To cause as little doubt as possible about the product’s quality, it is necessary to develop native advertising, focus on the opinions of doctors or media personalities, and also use creatives showing results after use.

Speaking about the technical side, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of search engines and regional binding. The right IT domain will help you fine-tune your targeting. The advantage of the right IT domain – the Italian country code – is that it has the maximum number of possibilities for precise targeting, although it is acceptable to use the pan-European zones .EU and .COM. Also important is a high response from posting releases on regional platforms, using native content and auditing competitors’ pages, conducting A/B tests. Using SEO, it is important to make your web pages perfect. Language errors dramatically reduce rankings. Your web pages must be hosted. To increase external weight, you need to search for regional websites manually and find a common language with webmasters. In order not to fall under strict filtering, you cannot “grow” links leading to English-language sites, even if they are located in Italian national domain zones of Italy and the European Union. Search engines highly value regional links, although advertising is often targeted at foreign users. Thus, promoting a web page by city requires anchors and careful linking.


In the article we learned that:

–   Italians are very sociable, value family traditions, and are not shy about showing off their best outfits in public.

–   The country’s economy is quite stable, despite large percentages of taxes and government debt

–   The climate is generally pleasant and comfortable, but does not exclude the possibility of health problems, especially for older people and those who are susceptible to pollen allergies and do not tolerate heat well.

–   Wages in the northern part of the country are higher than in the south due to the difference in the economic situation of the regions, and also because Milan is considered the Italian financial and banking center, attracting a large number of large companies, stock markets and international financial institutions.

–   The target audience for online shopping is mainly people between 30 and 45 years old. The older generation is progressing and is slowly mastering the skills of online shopping, but is more skeptical, choosing products carefully

–   Distributing advertisement and promoting products online requires strict regulations. Advertising should be aesthetically appealing and not contain promotion of gambling or nicotine use. The design of any advertisement should literally “scream”, speak the same language with the residents, since Italians, as we have already found out, express their emotions too passionately.

–   It’s important to work on native advertising, and also boldly focus on photo and video creatives.

Now you know everything about Italy that is so necessary for successful ad launches. That’s why we need to tell you about Webvork’s top 5 offers in Italy!

As we have already found out, special attention in Italian society is paid to the family, this is especially evident in caring for aging parents. Products for maintaining healthy joints and blood vessels, as well as for treating diseases of the urinary system, will be ideal for older people. In order to definitely help cope with the disease, we recommend that you launch an advertising campaign for our offers Artroflex Active and Cystinorm, the payout for which until November 15 starts from €41 CPA and above.

CardioBalance are capsules for hypertension and for normalizing blood pressure. This offer is especially loved by publishers because of the payout rate starting at €40 and always good approval. This time, it was 43% in Italy.

Varilux Premium is a product that will help preserve beauty and youth for a long time. Italy places great importance on beauty and aesthetics, which is why it is so important to take care of yourself, both inside and out. This offer received an approval rate of 40% in Italy, which makes it ideal for an advertising campaign.

To maintain an ideal figure, we recommend using ProBiotic Slim CH – probiotic capsules that will help control weight.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin!