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How to use Facebook Ads Automated Rules

The habit of keeping your finger on the pulse and constantly monitoring your statistics is an integral part of every affiliate marketer. Of course, we don’t recommend leaving campaigns uncontrolled, but we know how you can make your life easier. Today, let’s discuss automated rules of Facebook Ads: how effective they are and how it’s best to use them. And Ivan Merkulov, Head of media buying Absolut from Leadrock, will help us with this.

Let’s go!

Automated rules are a powerful tool that allows you to automate the management of advertising campaigns. Why waste time on a routine if you can automate it? Automation helps to:

Save time

Automated rules will automatically perform routine tasks, freeing up your time for more important things.

Increase efficiency

Auto rules can respond to changes in your campaigns in real time, helping you optimize your campaigns and improve results.

Reduce risks

When configured correctly, they help you avoid mistakes that can lead to loss of budget.

You can make changes at your campaign, ad set or ad level.

Here’s a selection of popular automated rules

Disabling at 0 leads.

This rule allows you to automatically disable ads that don’t bring results. Indicate the amount the ad can spend and set the number of leads to fewer than one. The check can be left continuous so that the ad is checked hourly or once a day.

Increasing the budget for effective ads.

Let’s say your goal is to get leads under $5. If this rule is followed, the advertising campaign will increase by 20% once a day. You can also set the maximum amount of expenses for the desired period.

Disabling a campaign if the cost is too high.

For example, you know that the optimal lead price for your offer is $5. Then you can make settings so that the campaign will be disabled if the lead price is above $5. You can also set the frequency of checking; we recommend leaving it at Continuously.

Enabling when reaching a certain metric.

Leads may arrive late. For example, you set up a rule that the ad turns off at $5. After a while, more leads arrived, and it turned out that the campaign did reach its profit. In this case, you can set a rule: if the leads arrive in, it is automatically turned on.

It is important to remember that the choice of automated rules depends on the specific goals and strategy of the advertising campaign. It is recommended to test and analyze the results before implementing new rules.

Tips from an expert

Ivan Merkulov, Head of media buying Absolut at Leadrock

I have always advocated the use of automated rules in my teams. We had several precedents when a buyer lost a couple of hundred dollars without keeping track of the statistics. As a rule, we use a standard set: disabling ad sets without leads, disabling ad sets with expensive leads based on certain characteristics. We are also adding the inclusion of all ad sets the next day, in case some of them did not have time to catch on. And additionally, switch on/off according to the call center opening hours.

To sum it up

Here, we’ve collected the most popular options for automated rules; they are very useful when setting up most advertising campaigns. But Facebook’s functionality is extensive and quite flexible, you can combine automated rules and customize the conditions as conveniently as possible for yourself. The main thing here is not to overdo it; some rules may be mutually exclusive.