How to download stock photos from paid services without watermarks (plus nice free photo banks)

So, you found an offer that’s profitable all year round and are really motivated to drive maximum traffic and even have a bunch of stunning images selected for your future creatives, but! You can only download them with a watermark 🙁 It’d be so sad to let the perfect images go, but luckily, we have a solution for you. There is a way out right where we have free stock platforms. However, since these platforms have low publicity, not everyone knows about them. And neural networks can also help a lot here, you can use them to download things for free even from paid services, which we will tell you about right now.
Neural networks come to help
These amazing (and sometimes frightening) creations of our modern days also help out in affiliate marketing when you need clean creatives without any watermarks.
It’s a neural network that downloads images from paid photo stocks without watermarks. But this neural network has other nice features to offer:
• download YouTube Shorts;
• download music from Soundcloud;
• download videos from Twitter;
• download videos from Facebook;
• downloading PDFs from SlideShare, and many other goodies.
You can choose anything you want from the 40 functions they have and for 40 different applications, social networks, and platforms.
And you’re in luck since this neural network is obviously very young and is still going through the stage of growing its audience, so it’s very polite. It just modestly asks to “treat it for a coffee” as a reward – donate to
The application also separately offers to use four other helpful services:
1. GetPaidStock – a multi-site search engine that crawls and indexes stock photos from over 30 sites in parallel
2. IGDL – service for shortening and monitoring links
3. miniPaint – HTML5 online photo editor
4. – an online platform for downloading videos from Reddit
A Russian-language neural network that removes watermarks from images for free.
Additionally, Watermark Remover offers, again, to try 3 more of its products for free:
1. – AI tool that removes the background from images
2. – AI tool for enlarging and enhancing images
3. – AI tool for shrinking high quality images
This neural network is primarily made for working with videos, but it also works great with images.
As for affiliates, Vidmore will also solve such problems for free:
• online watermark removal
• online background removal
• online image scaling and compression
A neural network that (perfectly and free of charge) dows with the following tasks for JPG, PNG, and WebP images:
• removing watermarks from images
• removing dates from photos
• removing background and unwanted objects from photos
Free photo banks
It’s one of Shopify’s brainchildren, and Shopify is a popular developer of software for retail and online stores. Initially, this project was aimed at entrepreneurs to improve their websites and promote their products. This is the target audience that uses the Business Ideas tab, the images of which are sorted by promoted products: clothes, jewelry, accessories, gadgets, etc. Photos are downloaded in high resolution even without signing up.
A treasure with over half a million images, updated weekly by dozens of amateur and professional photographers. Any of them can be financially rewarded if desired. You can download high resolution images.
The database currently contains about 500,000 photographs. Also, the platform has illustrations, vector images, clipart, PSD, and icons that you can download for free. Photos and illustrations here are sorted into 38 popular categories. Some images require the consent of the creator to download, which you can see right on the download page.
You can enlarge, reduce, clean up, and modify your favorite image without even spending money and, moreover, with virtually no loss in quality – turn to Artificial Intelligence. If you simply need to get ready-made niche photos or illustrations for free, there is also a way out – there are already well-established and still unknown stock platforms on the network that you can easily use right now.