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Creative Room: Artroflex

The force of friction unquestionably leads to joint problems, sooner or later. And it does so to a significant part of the world’s population. Some people’s joints, of course, can maintain good prowess even till the person gets all gray, but others begin to complain of pain, inflammation, and difficulty in mobility at 30 and 40. The reason here is genetics, and in the level of regular physical activity and the person’s tolerance to it, their general level of stress and immune system.

The problem of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is real and very measurable, of course, not intuitively, but officially in numbers. Here are some fairly recent WHO statistics (February 2021) – 1.71 billion people on our planet have some types of the musculoskeletal system diseases. These same illnesses, according to WHO, are the leading factor in disability in our world.

If the problem is obvious, measured by official institutions, then it is important for us, as affiliates, to know which part of our planet experiences this problem the most (and, accordingly, most ready to pay to solve it). So, the population in high-income countries suffers the most from this type of malady. These are our tier-1 countries. WHO counted as many as 441 million people in these countries had various problems with the musculoskeletal system at the beginning of 2021.

What does it mean? As blasphemous as it may sound, this is the green light for our offer that helps problem joints – Artroflex.

What is this offer?

Artroflex Active are capsules that can be used to support joint health at any age, especially the elderly. Artroflex Active also helps athletes that deal with high loads on the joints of the feet and are at a high risk of injury.

Artroflex Active ingredients:

1. chondroitin sulfate (accelerates bone regeneration, restores blood circulation, strengthens the structure of bones, ligaments, and tendons)

2. glucosamine sulfate (relieves inflammation and pain, improves joint mobility)

3. marine collagen (releases collagen peptides essential for bone and joint metabolism),

4. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) (slows down age-related changes associated with the destruction of cartilage tissue, enhances the production of chondroitin and glucosamine),

5. ginger extract (its main component – gingerol with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that relieves pain and increases range of motion),

6. boswellia serrata extract (anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect),

7. turmeric extract (anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant, antidepressant, and hepatoprotective properties),

8. black pepper extract (has anti-inflammatory, aseptic, and antioxidant effect),

9. “devil’s claw” (harpagophytum extract) (has anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties and also improves joint mobility),

10. pearl powder (rich in microelements valuable for bones and joints – calcium and magnesium).

11. vitamin C (accelerates the restoration of cartilage tissue).

Some information for publishers:

1) GEO: Italy, Germany, Switzerland

2) Age categories – see the current statistics in your Webvork account

3) Traffic – any traffic sources that are not prohibited by the rules of Webvork.com are allowed.

4) Prohibited traffic sources:

• all types of spam (e-mail, sms, etc.)

• motivated traffic

• inaccurate or false information in your creatives

IMPORTANT! If you use any of the above prohibited sources, Webvork.com has the right to terminate our cooperation unilaterally.

Well, now let’s see the creatives the Webvork team uses to drive traffic with the Artroflex Active offer!

1st creative

In general, this creative has one basic approach: it depicts the image of the body (internal organs, blood vessels, etc.). In the foreground here. we see a model of the knee joint and a drawing depicting pain in this area with a red glow in this round bubble. The finger on the right clearly indicates that there’s a weak spot there, so you need to be careful and take care of it. The headline says, “Recovering even the most forgotten joints”

2nd creative

This creative uses a mixed approach: it uses an image of the body + lays its emphasis on pain. The first approach is expressed by a photograph of the elbow joint in the foreground, the second approach is seen in a photo of an athletic girl in a training bra, grabbing her elbow joint, obviously indicating pain.

The headline on the red background at the top says, “A natural way to repair joints.”

3rd creative

The approach in this creative is similar to the first creative. We have an image of a body (internal organs, vessels, etc.), but it is also wrapped in a greatly successful medical approach. The “image of the body” approach works the same here: we see a person holding a model of the knee joint and in a round window, a drawing depicting pain in this area with a red glow around it. Judging by the white clothes (most likely a doctor’s coat), it is, in fact, a timeless medical approach.

The headline at the top says, “Getting rid of joint pain is easy.”


The video creative is quite concise – it consists of only three approaches.

The first shot has the approach already mentioned in the creatives above – “image of the body”. We see a close-up model of the knee joint with a view of its internal structure. Headline text, “Your joints require as much care as your teeth or hair.”

The second shot has a pain-focused approach. We see a close-up of a woman massaging her obviously tormented knee joint.

The third episode is a mix of two approaches: the results of the offer and the product approach. In the foreground, we see a small image of the Artroflex supplement itself. The very composition of the shot is a plot where a middle-aged man joyfully dances wearing headphones. Obviously, his life appears to be in order and his movements do not cause him any discomfort. The title says, “Regulate your new life”.

And now, let’s take a look at some creatives that other affiliates use

1st creative

The approach in this creative is a mix of a product approach and also lays emphasis on pain. The product approach is expressed, of course, by the fact that the Artroflex preparation is put in the foreground, and the pain one is expressed by a large figure of a woman in the background grabbing her wrist.

Obviously, the creative is aimed at a female audience.

2nd creative

Here, again, we have a mix of a product approach and emphasis on pain. The product is again expressed by the remedy itself sitting in the foreground, and the approach that accentuates the pain is expressed by a man clutching his knee. This creative obviously works for the male audience.

3rd creative

Everything is clear here – it’s a customer review approach.


The Artroflex offer will not require you to be extra creative in the course of extracting profit with its help. As you can see, everyone uses rather simple materials to work with it, and, from the point of view of localizing the maximum of target audience, the offer is generally ideal – all the sufferers are located in tier-1 countries. There are 441 million people there and this is official and recent WHO data for the first half of 2021. The offer is very profitable and year-round. If the joints make themselves felt in such a way that a person is at risk, it does not go away quickly (if at all it goes away by itself). Therefore, almost half a billion solvent people are simply waiting for our help!