Webvork Blog - ENG


We continue to expand the geographic presence of our offers and are opening new GEOs for six products at once: Germany, Switzerland, Portugal. This means that your already working campaign approaches can be safely adapted to the new GEO and you can enjoy the profit 💰

✨Artroflex Cream – cream for joints, shows itself especially well in Italy and Switzerland, now available in Germany with rates starting from €32

✨NEPHROXAN – brand new product! The remedy for the kidneys that’s now available in Germany, payout rates start from €35

✨ACUSTAN is a means for hearing acuity, which is now sold in the richest GEO in Europe – Switzerland. Payouts start from €35

✨DR.CARDIO – capsules for the heart, now available to residents of Portugal. €34 per approval

✨DOUBLE SLIM – a double shot at excess weight for of all Portuguese people. Rate starts from €34

✨VARICAPS – capsules for healing varicose veins, which can now be sold in Portugal. Starting payout rate – €34

Our managers will be happy to advise you on each offer, and also help you with translations and promotional materials 😉